Convertible Description: Car seat convertible model of Triton in the seat back of 5-35 kg forward facing from 1922 to 1940 kg batch of four 5-point harness with shoulder straps holding the front 2 piece set of three places from the top harness buckle 2 - to recline the seat removable holder cup, removable and washable mats, Cosco brand, color Triton back between 5 and 35 cup poundsRemovable holderForward face pounds5 1922-1940 harness4 advantage point and 3-position belt buckle height
I just started using this seat for our daughter 19 months is £ 22:29 inches. This is our fourth child, so we have some experience with different places and I like it better than we cost more money. We used the forward-facing seat for our son for four years and has always been an easy time with her. He was older when we bought a second car I have ever used and ..
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